Jill Kintner wins Crankworx Fox Air DH!

The 2016 Queen of Crankworx, Jill Kintner, continues her domination with another epic performance at the Fox Air DH at Crankworx Whistler.

The iconic race down Whistler Bike Park’s A-Line trail descends 1,200 vertical feet and takes challenges racers with berms, tabletops and banks.

This year’s victory marks Jill’s fifth straight first place finish at the Fox Air DH in Whistler, and her 7th podium since 2009.

Jill has found great success in Whistler over the years and will look to defend her Gold medals at the Pump Track and Dual Slalom as well as her Queen of Crankworx title as the week goes on. 

Watch the highlights on Pinkbike here. 

Jill was recently featured in our This is Home series. Click here to watch Jill's episode. 









