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Ver. 3.4.7
- Improved the display for the remaining battery level indication.
Ver. 3.4.6
・ Adopted for new battery, BT-E8014
・ Bug fixing
Ver. 3.4.4
Bug fixing
Ver. 3.4.1
Bug fixing
Ver. 3.3.3
Adapted to 504Wh batteries (BT-E6001/E8010/E8020)
Additional function
Battery level indication
(Ver.3.0.1. or later)
Ver. 3.2.6
Bug fixing
Ver. 3.2.5
Adapting Full Automatic Shifting function and small wheel circumference
Ver. 3.1.0
Updated for DU-E6010. (No change for the use of DU-E6050)
Ver. 3.0.2
Adapting to the following application/model(version) and new functions.
E-tube project ver.2.11
Reducing firmware time/frequency
Light off road setting*
Belt drive setting.
*Light off road setting is available for bike manufacturer only.
Ver. 2.9.3
Firmware uploaded