
Our Commitment to our Customers

The Shimano commitment to our customers includes our active and direct involvement with organizations who work tirelessly on behalf of fishing and
cycling. We choose our partners carefully because the future of these great outdoor recreational activities depends on the quality, experience and
professionalism of the advocates.

The issues we are engaged in span a broad spectrum -- from threats to public land and water access to safe places for children to ride a bike. Together with
our partners we are involved with government agencies and elected and appointed officials at the state, provincial and federal levels in policy, legislation
and regulations that impact on people who fish and who ride a bike.

For 20 years, Shimano has been directly involved as an advocate for the people who buy our products -- and our partners featured here have earned our
respect and our appreciation.



National Interscholastic Cycling Associaton

Founded in 2009, the National Interscholastic Cycling Association (NICA) develops interscholastic mountain biking programs for student-athletes across the United States. NICA provides leadership, services and governance for regional leagues to produce quality mountain bike events, and supports every student-athlete in the development of strong body, strong mind and strong character through interscholastic cycling.

For more information, please visit:



People for Bikes

People for Bikes is the U.S. bicycle industry organization dedicated to getting more people riding bikes more often. People for Bikes works to increase federal bike funding, awards grants to support innovative bike projects, promotes bicycling and its benefits, and backs crucial national efforts such as Safe Routes to School, Bicycle Friendly Communities, and the National Bike Summit. The affiliated Bikes Belong Foundation focuses on improving bicycle safety and enhancing children's bike programs.

For more information, please visit:

Who We Are


Environmentally Friendly Mountain Bike Trails

The Economics of Cycling


Mountain Bikes in Wilderness