National Bike to Work Week

Bike to Work Week takes place from May 16 through May 20th. The League of American Bicyclists created National Bike to Work Week to challenge people to park their cars and commute by bicycle for just one week. 

Bike to Work Day is Friday, May 20th. This day was designed to encourage people to leave the car at home and try commuting by bicycle for just one day.

Each year Team Shimano participates in this challenge to emphasize the health benefits, environmental incentives, and cost savings associated with bicycling to the office as an alternative to driving. 

In 2015 we averaged 31 riders pay day who logged more than 1,200 miles! 


National Bike Week

Friday, May 20, 2016

On Friday, May 20th Team Shimano will participate in the Dave Pullen Memorial Ride.

Each year we honor the memory of our Team Shimano member, Dave "The Cat" Pullen who was taken away from his family and our team in 2006. Dave and his wife were struck by a motorist on a weekend road ride. Dave was a passionate co-worker and athlete. Those who worked with Dave will always remember his smile and appreciate engery. There are three levels of rides that roll out in silence to show respect for and to honor Dave and others who have lost their lives on our public roadways. 


Check in with Team Shimano

Shimano Bike to Work Week Totals

2,939 Total Miles Ridden

146.95 Gallons of Fuel Saved

$440.85 Fuel Cost Savings

2,839lbs Carbon Emission Savings

Bike to Work Week Gear Check

Tokyo 23 Urban Daypack
