RAPIDFIRE PLUS MONO LEVER provides intuitive and simple front control that empowers riders to shift both up and down with a single lightweight and compact lever.

Benefits & Features

・ Simple and intuitive single lever operation, quicker access and lighter front shifting enhances concentration.

・ Front double shifting with natural finger positioning supports intuitive shifting operation.

・ Easy front shifting helps riders quickly and accurately respond to rapidly changing conditions.

*1: Shifting up

*2: Shifting down

*3: PUSH

*4: PULL

RAPIDFIRE PLUS MONO LEVER’s simple and intuitive lever operation allows riders to shift both up and down with a single lever. It supports front double shifting with natural finger positioning and intuitive shifting operation while maintaining a solid grip on the handlebar.

2-WAY RELEASE functionality delivers instantaneous push & pull movements to help riders respond quickly and accurately to rapidly changing conditions.