
Although the luster of mountain biking has never dulled for Andy McKenna, it’s been several years since he’s ventured back to the foreboding mountains of Torridon where he once thrived as a mountain bike guide. The time has come to confront his foe.

Andy’s enlisted an inspiring ally to take on these Torridonian giants: In Episode 4 of the ‘Evolution Stories’ series, Small Steps to Big Things, Andy teams up with ultra-endurance adventurer Jenny Graham in one of their beloved bothies to plot rides and chat about the ingredients for living life and setting world records.

When erratic health takes its toll on your abilities and confidence, when your favorite place in the world to ride mountain bikes seems way out of reach - where can you go to find and rekindle the vital spark that’s needed to conquer the epic terrain of Scotland’s Northwest Highlands?

Two cyclists riding on a rocky trail through a mountainous landscape
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