In the Blink: Episode 4 - Community

The Backbone of Mountain Bike Culture

Ask any mountain biker what they enjoy the most about the sport is and they will likely tell you it’s riding with their friends. The short-of-breath chats on the climbs, the hoots and hollers of a joyous descent, cracking a beer and toasting to a good ride while kicking back on the tailgate. These are the moments that define us as mountain bikers, when we enjoy the connection to each other as well as the environment around us. These are also the moments Anthill Films sought to capture in the Community segment of Return to Earth.



In the Blink: Episode 4



In the Blink is a six-part web series that dives behind the scenes of Anthill's upcoming feature film Return to Earth. 

Episode 1 - Fall Colours

Episode 2 - Creativity

Episode 3 - Youth


Photography by Sterling Lorence