SHIMANO 歡慶100週年

·  1921 - 2021; Shimano 達成一世紀的里程碑

· 百周年紀念相片集現正發售中,百週年紀念網站也已正式上線


1921年,島野庄三郎 (Shozaburo Shimano)在日本堺市創立了以他的名字命名的公司。 一百年後,在會長 島野容三 (Yozo Shimano) 的領導下,Shimano在全球51個製造、研發、銷售和行銷公司中僱用超過12,000名員工。




從3.3.3 飛輪開始,Shimano不斷的創造新產品,例如三速花鼓、定位變速系統、雙控把手、Hyperglide飛輪,Di2電子變速和SPD踏板,這些技術在自行車行業無處不在,並成為最佳產品的代名詞。



在百周年紀念的時刻,你不會看到盛大的派對或是奢華的慶祝活動,Shimano 將繼續專注本業,致力於技術創新開發,提供最出色的產品。


SHIMANO 百周年紀念網站及相片集







全球僅限量2000本的相片集將透過預先登記後抽選出購買資格。紀念相片集提供Shimano 代表性產品的歷史重要時刻。


SHIMANO 100 WORKS 紀念相片集共 264 頁 (333mm × 265mm × 30mm) 只能透過抽獎獲得購買資格.





此外,Shimano的粉絲將能夠從新的網站鑽研許多自己喜歡產品的技術和背景知識。 網站中不僅展示了100種代表性的產品,而且還有精美的攝影作品,讀者還可以從中進一步了解創辦人 島野庄三郎( Shozaburo Shimano)的歷史以及Shimano為支持廣闊的自行車世界而展開的各種活動。




Yozo Shimano, President, Shimano Inc.: 




“Greetings on the Centennial of Shimano’s Founding. On March 21, 2021, Shimano celebrates its centennial anniversary.


“On this occasion, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to you for the exceptional support that you have extended to Shimano for so many years.


“The history of Shimano originated in 1921, when its founder, Shozaburo Shimano, opened a small ironworks in Sakai, Osaka. He built a base of our bicycle components business by taking on various challenges, including the initial challenge of producing bicycle freewheels, which were basically imported to Japan at that time.


“Over the past century, Shimano has experienced radical changes in its business and social environments. Despite these changes, we have been constantly pursuing technological innovation to manufacture high-quality, dependable products for our customers while upholding the corporate mission “To promote health and happiness through the enjoyment of nature and the world around us.”


“Today, we see increasing numbers of people becoming more and more environment- and health-conscious. Moreover, because of the pervading sense of stagnation, many people have begun to pay keener attention than ever to cycling and fishing, regarding them as means to relieve themselves from stress and refresh their body and mind.


“In this environment, Shimano is fully aware of the vital importance of fulfilling its role to promote healthy and enriched lifestyles by supplying its products and to help create a sustainable society.


“On the centennial anniversary, which we regard as the starting line for the next century, Shimano adopted a new Corporate Brand Logo, featuring a tricolor line of light green, blue, and deep blue, which respectively symbolize the land, the sky, and the sea. These colors also represent Shimano’s worldview that it pursues to realize.


“Finally, we are determined to pass on to future generations the manufacturing spirit and technology that we have inherited from the founder and to evolve Shimano further as a development-oriented digital manufacturing company, dedicated to value creation, particularly the creation of new and enriched cycling and fishing cultures.


“In these endeavors, I would appreciate your continued support.”