SIDE SWING Front Derailleur

Horizontal movement follows the chain direction
Smooth & efficient front shifting effort 

Improved Routing Efficiency

*1: Efficient route

*2: Top route

*3: Down route

Cable Route Efficiency

*1: Top route

*2: Down route

*3: SIDE SWING route w/ polymer coated cable

*4: Additional 5% with polymer coated cable

More tire clearance for larger wheels

◦  No linkage behind seat tube

◦  Freedom to reduce chainstay length

Added design flexibility shorter chainstays improve bike control

*1: Current TOP SWING (2x)

*2: SIDE SWING (2x)

50% More Powerful Outward Shifting (FD-M9020)

*1: Current DOWN SWING (2x)

*2: SIDE SWING (2x)

*3: Chain Touching Point 

*4: Link Axle

Wider Chainstay Angle Increases Traction Range (FD-M9020)

*1: Noise! 

*2: Chain stay angle ≦ 66°

*3: Less noise 

*4: Free chain stay angle

*5: Current DOWN SWING (2x)

*6: SIDE SWING (2x)