
If we were to compare groupsets to great journeys—naturally—ULTEGRA would remind us of interstellar travel. Its iconic components have the power to flip a switch in your experience, launching your ride into a wind-in-your-hair-and-leave-time-behind type of happiness.


It is the Millennium Falcon to your Han Solo, the Voyager to your Captain Kirk. ULTEGRA exemplifies your finest potential, inspiring a unique blend of persevering confidence and strength. It is smart riding with Di2 technology and trickle-down technology from DURA-ACE. Get to know the ULTEGRA system through the eyes of our Shimano Road Ambassador, Sophie Moser.

Leave time behind

Cyclist, mountaineer, and women’s cycling advocate Sophie Moser, with her extensive experience and expertise, has been riding an ULTEGRA R8100-equipped Koba Protool Le Grimpeur for close to a year. This makes her the ideal person to explain the ease of riding, servicing, and living with the ULTEGRA groupset on your bike.

Cyclist wearing a helmet and sunglasses, with mountains in the background
Cyclist wearing a helmet and sunglasses, with mountains in the background

Living in Switzerland, Sophie naturally enjoys the meditative quality of climbing and searches for stability in the descent. “You realize you can actually do more than you’re capable of doing, like climbing Mont Ventoux three times in a day,” she says. “I’ll tell you this, I’d rather go up than on the flat because it’s just so much fun. Although ULTEGRA is a little heavier than DURA-ACE, I like that it gives my bike some more weight in the bottom bracket, resulting in a very solid and steady feeling, especially when descending. I just love how the bike sits on the road.”

Situated firmly at the high end of our road component line-up, ULTEGRA is the groupset of choice for committed cyclists. It’s for enthusiasts who love to go fast, who want superb functionality, a complete ULTEGRA environment—everything from Di2 shifting to wheels and communication with compatible GPS head units—and refined braking.


ULTEGRA strikes an ideal balance between weight and cost. It can help you go fast without worrying about your next gear shift or preempting your braking. This is because HYPERGLIDE+ allows for shifting under load, and SERVO WAVE provides modulated braking power, which helps prevent you from locking up your wheels.

Close-up of a bike drivetrain and cyclist wearing white shoes and socks
Close-up of a bike drivetrain and cyclist wearing white shoes and socks

The technology of ULTEGRA

Cyclist's hand holding Ultegra bike brake lever
Cyclist's hand holding Ultegra bike brake lever
Cyclist with foot on pedal of a Shimano Ultegra crankset
Cyclist with foot on pedal of a Shimano Ultegra crankset

Brake with confidence

Close-up of Shimano Ultegra bicycle disc brake caliper on a teal bike frame
Close-up of Shimano Ultegra bicycle disc brake caliper on a teal bike frame

ULTEGRA: Wheels, infinity, and beyond

Close-up of a cyclist's rear bike wheel, chain, and derailleur on a road bike.
Close-up of a cyclist's rear bike wheel, chain, and derailleur on a road bike.