프론트 롤러 브레이크의 경우, 제동 POWER MODULATOR 시스템이 허브측에 내장되어 있어 급작스런 레버의 작동력이 입력될 때 어느 정도 완급 조절되기 때문에 쉽고도 안정적인 제동 제어가 가능합니다.
제동 시스템은 특히 초보자를 위해 사용자 편의를 고려했습니다.

Benefits & Features

・ Braking POWER MODULATOR System

・ Hubs incorporate a modulator clutch which cuts excessive lever pressure.

・ Sealed mechanisms

・ Rubber sealing cups effectively shut out dirt and water.

・ Squeal suppression design

・ Brake and modulator work silently to eliminate brake squeal.

*1: Braking force does not exceed clutch slip point.
*2: Friction clutch binds brake boss and hub together so they rotate as a single unit when brakes are released or applied lightly.
*3: Hub and brake boss turn together.

*1: Clutch slips

*2: Brake boss slips.

*3: Braking force exceeds clutch slip point.

*4: When brakes are applied strongly, clutch allows brake boss to slip against the hub.

*5: Hub shell turns independently of brake boss.