We have updated our menu navigation to include additional series for easier navigating for our complete product line up.


Regular Maintenance, Original Parts, Certified Mechanics
Regular Maintenance, Original Parts, Certified Mechanics

Maintenance: Know your bike

Cyclist holding a bike with text 'Your Pre-Ride Bike Check' on a blue background
Cyclist holding a bike with text 'Your Pre-Ride Bike Check' on a blue background
Two mechanics working on a bicycle in a repair shop with text Certified Mechanics and Shimano logo.
Two mechanics working on a bicycle in a repair shop with text Certified Mechanics and Shimano logo.

Replacing with Shimano Original Parts

Two mechanics working on a bicycle in a repair shop with text Certified Mechanics and Shimano logo.
Two mechanics working on a bicycle in a repair shop with text Certified Mechanics and Shimano logo.

Shimano Certified Mechanic