
In recent years, we have confirmed that counterfeit goods of Shimano Group products and repair parts have been circulating around the world. As counterfeit goods not only cause quality problems (such as accidents and injuries) for the general customers, but also lead to detriments for our customers and business partners, we will take a firm stance to eliminate counterfeit goods.

Specific measures to be taken

・We will provide information to the relevant authorities to facilitate administrative and criminal investigations against counterfeit goods manufacturers and distributors.

・We will deliver warnings and civil lawsuits against counterfeit goods manufacturers and distributors.

・We will provide information to customs authorities to facilitate crackdowns on counterfeit goods.

・We will request the removal of counterfeit goods from e-commerce websites.

・We will provide warnings to consumers and retailers.

Counterfeit goods detection cases (counterfeit goods seized during crackdown in China)

Shimano Anti-Counterfeiting Program (S.A.C.P.)

Measures for the products themselves

As an initiative to deliver safe and secure products to our customers, we will adopt special materials in our product packages which are difficult to counterfeit, and introduce a special application and labels that can verify authentic products. The customers will be able to verify if the product is authentic by scanning the QR code printed on the label with a special application that they can install on their smartphone.

(1) Shimano Package Technology (adoption of special materials that are difficult to imitate)

* The new packaging of our cleats shown in the center and right photos are made from a special material that is difficult to counterfeit, and at the same time environmentally appropriate. This package will be introduced from May 2021.

(2) Shimano Smartphone Application (Product Authentication Application)

  • ・Shimano’s dedicated application that can be used without the trouble of having to register an account.
  • ・Supports iOS and Android platforms, and Japanese, Chinese (simplified) and English languages.

(3) Shimano Smart Labels (QR Code Labels Using Special Technology)

・A double-layered smart label with a QR code printed on the lower layer is attached to the product package.

・Each label has a QR code embedded with a unique serial number. It is created with a special technology and there is no label with the same serial number.

*Objective countries for the application and labelling: Japan and China

*Objective models: pedals and cleats (to be expanded)


How to use the product authentication application

(1) Download the “SHIMANO PRODUCT AUTHENTICATION” application from App Store or Google Play.

(2) Launch the application and click “2D barcodes (QR code) Verification”. The application’s camera will be activated.

(3) Open the seal of the Shimano Smart Label and read the QR code inside. The application will verify whether the product is authentic or not.

Verification of authentic products

The product is authentic if the following message is displayed.

1st verification

2nd and 3rd verifications

Please note that if the following message is displayed, you may have exceeded the maximum number of possible scans, or the period of judgement has expired, or the product is not authentic.

※ The maximum number of verifications for one QR code is limited to three times. If the QR code is scanned more than three times, the same warning will be displayed.

※ Each QR code has a judgement time period (expiration date) for the authentic product verification service. If you scan an expired label, it will not be verified as authentic.


(Japan) SHIMANO CUSTOMER CENTER, SHIMANO SALES CO., LTD., 1-5-15 Chikukou-Shinmachi, Nishi-ku, Sakai-shi, Osaka
Room 1701---1705 Sheng Gao International Tower, No. 137 Xian Xia Road, Shanghai 200051, China


Please note that we cannot be held responsible for any detriment or loss or the like caused by the purchase, etc. of counterfeit goods. Customers are advised to be cautious when purchasing products from stores and private sellers, etc. where the origin of the product is uncertain. In addition, as we do not verify the authenticity of an individual item to judge whether it is a counterfeit goods or not, please contact the distributor or dealer from which you have purchased your product for any inquiries.

※ QR Code is a registered trademark of DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED.

※ The Apple logo is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.

※ iOS is a trademark of Cisco in the U.S. and is used under license.

※ App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc.

※ Android and Google Play are trademarks of Google LLC.









Shimano Anti-Counterfeiting Program (S.A.C.P.)



(1) シマノ パッケージテクノロジー(模倣しにくい特殊な素材の採用)


(2) シマノ スマートフォンアプリ (正規品判定アプリ)

  • ・煩雑なアカウント登録不要で利用可能、シマノ専用アプリを導入
  • ・iOS・Androidの各プラットフォーム、日本語・中国語 (簡体字) ・英語の3言語に対応

(3) シマノ スマートラベル(特殊技術を用いたQRコードラベル)





(1) App StoreまたはGoogle Playから専用アプリ「シマノ正規品判定」をダウンロードしてください。

(2) アプリを起動し「2次元バーコード(QRコード)判定」をクリックしてください。アプリのカメラが起動します。

(3) 商品に貼付されている模倣品対策ラベルのシールをめくり、中にあるQRコードをアプリのカメラにかざしてください。商品が正規品であるか否かを判定します。









シマノセールス株式会社 大阪府堺市西区築港新町1-5-15 お客様相談窓口



※Apple ロゴは、米国および他の国々で登録されたApple Inc.の商標です。


※App Storeは、Apple Inc.のサービスマークです。

※Android、Google Playは、Google LLCの商標です。









Shimano Anti-Counterfeiting Program (S.A.C.P.)



(1) 禧玛诺高科技防伪包装(采用难以仿冒的特殊材料)


(2) 禧玛诺智能手机应用(正品查询应用)

  • ・发布禧玛诺专用防伪应用,无需进行繁琐的账号注册,即装即用
  • ・在苹果、安卓平台发布,可切换日语、简体中文、英语三种语言
  • ・微信端无需安装软件,无需账号注册,目前仅提供简体中文

(3) 禧玛诺智能防伪标签(采用特殊技术制成的二维码标签)





(1) 登陆手机应用商店App Store或Google Play下载名为“正品查询”的禧玛诺专用应用程序。或下载并安装应用程序“微信”。

(2) 打开正品查询应用,点击“二维码鉴别”,在应用内启动扫描摄像头。或打开微信,使用微信“扫一扫”功能。

(3) 撕开商品防伪标签表层贴纸,用扫描摄像头读取二维防伪码,即可进行商品验证。









<苹果iOS / 安卓Android>








禧玛诺(上海)贸易有限公司 中国上海市仙霞路137号盛高国际大厦17楼1701-1705室,邮编:200051

※二维码系DENSO WAVE公司的注册商标。



※App Store为苹果公司的应用服务商店。

※安卓和Google Play系Google LLC的商标。
