圆满 - KATHRIN STIRNEMANN Kathrin Stirnemann在越野竞赛中取得的成就是她职业生涯的亮点,而现在退役后的她担任着瑞士国家队的教练和E-MTB车手,持续推动着这项运动的未来发展。
THIS IS HOME: KURT SORGE 职业自由骑行车手Kurt Sorge,凭借双手在不列颠哥伦比亚省Nelson的河流下游开辟了一片梦想天地。起初Kurt在设计后院时,只是想发展他的自由骑行事业,但现在他的后院不仅成为了世界级自由骑行的试验场,而且为他的生活带来了很多乐趣。在多年奔波于世界各地、参与各类高级别比赛之后,Kurt回到了家乡BC省,那里群山环绕,宁静和谐。
SCIENCE OF SPEED 速度科学Science of Speed是Shimano新款公路车套件的设计理念,其中包含五个要素:新Di2平台、简洁的操控界面、HYPERGLIDE+技术、创新型刹车系统以及全新轮组系列产品。以下简要介绍了各个要素如何有效提升公路车的骑行速度和效率。
For Those Who Never Compromise: Shimano DURA‑ACE R9200 优异表现不会偶然发生,也不依赖于运气或简单的好运。它是一种选择,一种理念,一种生活的方式。要激发潜力,您必须设定严格的标准并一丝不苟地遵从。
Leave Time Behind 一切从朋友之间互发短信逗趣开始。在哪里、什么时间见面?什么路线?距离多远?查看天气,迎接挑战,绽放激情。忘却工作日的忙碌,即刻开始休闲之旅。探索新地点,增进感情,让自行车帮助您逃离喧嚣,将时间抛之脑后。
Road to Paris: Paved With Gold This year, all trails led to Paris. Every UCI World Series event, training camp, and every second of every day brought elite athletes from around the world closer to the small Parisian suburb of Élancourt, where history was to be made. Pauline Ferrand-Prévot and Tom Pidcock, friends from the school of INEOS Grenadiers, reigned supreme. With Jenny Rissveds and Alan Hatherly making the podium.
Tour de France 2024 the Beauty, the Battle, the Bikes Shimano-supported riders Biniam Girmay and Remco Evenepoel won the Green and White jersey, respectively, at the Tour de France 2024. The competition was fierce, and the road was long and perilous. It takes a profound athlete to brave the mammoth challenge of the Tour de France. And it takes a special… je ne sais quoi… to come out on top with a jersey.
Road to Paris: Paved With Gold This year, the Tour de France may have ended in Nice. But for the hard-working athletes involved, the road led straight to the Eiffel Tower in Paris. With a backdrop worthy of a classic film, where champions speed from Montmartre, past the Arc de Triomphe, onwards to the history books. With the Time Trial starting just north of the tower, in Invalides.
可持续包装 未来我们还将不断寻找新的途径来呵护自然和周围环境,为人们的健康和幸福助力。 优化产品包装是减少浪费、实现可持续交付产品的重要途径。 这也是我们决定向可持续性包装方案过渡,改变原有的零部件及维护部件包装、服务和升级零件包装、骑行鞋、骑行服饰和大多数骑行眼镜包装的原因。
致E-BIKE电池BT-E8016用户的重要通知 现已确认,在BT-E8016电池充满电后可能出现自行车无法启动的情况。 若出现该情况,请将充电接头插入电池内并确认LED灯点亮,然后移除充电接头。 这样便可使自行车启动。
GRAVEL骑行鞋指南 我们特别为各类喜欢自然探险的GRAVEL车手设计了多个越野骑行鞋系列。每个系列都能够显著提升旅行者的骑行表现、安全性和骑行信心,从此无所顾虑,畅享骑行。只要您热爱砾石路骑行,那么总有一款SHIMANO GRAVEL骑行鞋适合您。
SHIMANO CONNECT Lab更新 改进之处与全新功能 SHIMANO CONNECT Lab是SHIMANO提供的骑行数据收集和分析服务,它将进行重大更新,提供更加友好的用户界面以及全新功能。
BATTERY Our total system engineering approach means that the SHIMANO ecosystem is not only offering perfect harmony with SHIMANO components but extends to products of connected partners. We have a licensing development program on a contract basis which allows compatible battery manufacturers, wireless device manufactures and even bike brands to utilize Shimano proprietary communication profile to develop products compatible with Shimano products. This can create a more open and integrated product portfolio for both bike brands and end-user.
EXPLORER骑行鞋指南 穿着我们的新EXPLORER SERIES SPD鞋巡游骑行,享受可靠抓地力、柔软步行衬垫以及舒适脚踏带来的高品质骑行体验。我们有适合城市旅行和山地旅行的特殊产品型号,您可以按照自己的方式畅享骑行